June 26, 2012

Daily Candy: The Laundress!

One of our favorite baby products I posted was The Laundress Baby Detergent. Daily Candy (Kids) has posted another 50% off deal if you are interested! They have lots of great products for all purposes. Their cashmere wash is also a highlight.


Proof positive: This detergent is the magic eraser. Brecken's poopy diapers look like genetically altered pumpkin puree (I'm just trying to set the stage). The below outfit was a tragic victim. Somehow it was even on his collar, but one wash with this detergent and it's like it never happened. I'm still making sense of it, but he can be crisply dressed once again.

June 12, 2012

Do you know you still have poop on you?

I'm going to do this blog in two parts, one for those who want the more gushy life stuff (see #1), the other who just want the product endorsement (see #2) - you can choose which mood you are in.

#1: Gushy Life Stuff

This weekend Brecken had one of his twice daily blowouts. Yes - he is wearing a big enough diaper, but yet he still finds a way to poop on his shirt collar. I went about my day and as I was walking through the house, Taylor stopped me and asked "Do you know you still have poop on you?" Kairos moment.

Coupled with being covered in poop, I was navigating the emotion of returning to work. You go from condemning yourself for being an abandoning mother to applauding yourself for setting a good example and putting your nose back to the grindstone.

Before baby I was the person that thrived off the late work nights and enjoyed doing it. Now I have a different perspective. We made it through what I am coining as the 'holy sh*t balls' experience that is bringing home a newborn; and, even with that changed perspective, it's still me looking back at myself in the mirror. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and laugh that you are covered in poop and not overanalyze how it reflects you as a person, because most likely, you are redefining what makes that person happy. Tonight, it was a cuddle time with baby followed by time spent watching bad reality TV, a defining moment as even that was an accomplishment. Same product, just different packaging. Life changes - go with it and you'll have a life full of Kairos moments. It's still you in the end...

Two articles related in a way. One posted by Kristin Sanders (of The Fresh Equation) and the other via Bryn Sanders (of byrd-ie.blogpsot.com) and it sort of just helps you decide how to compartmentalize for happiness and a good theory about the impact those choices have. Good reads when you are ready.



#2: The Product Endorsement - Murchinson Hume

With more poop in our lives, I love this line of home cleaning products. I've bought both the "Superlative" Hand Washing Liquid and the "Heirloom" Dishwashing Liquid, one in the Juniperberry and one in Coriander, and there is nothing like it. The dishwashing liquid seems to get our handwashable dishes more clean than I can with anything else. And most importantly it doesn't seem to leave the water spots on the many wine glasses that will likely fill our sink when I'm not breast feeding. It's environmentally friendly, particularly for pets and kids. (One Note: The Dishwashing Liquid doesn't foam up as a traditional soap would, which can be kind of subconsciously tricky... but trust it's working).

Here's my Kardashian-esque moment... it ships from Australia. You can save quite a bit by having it shipped via sea mail; however, this can takes 8-12 weeks at $18-20 per order no less. You'll have to decide if you want to pay for impatience.

Look for local distributors in your area as we used to have a few local boutiques that carried the line!
The diswashing liquid is an oversized bottle - great on your countertops!